Product: Boost your energy: 5 must-know to energize your body and soul

boost your energy

Boost your energy and maintain the level is key in your life as your personal energy is one of you most valuable resources, without it you can not achieve anything. There are many ways to recover your energy levels , Nature has provided us with different ways to boost our energy and keep it at high levels. However, people often complain of lack of energy, fatigue, tiredness, dull skin and lack of motivation 

I have found in my research and with my personal experience these 5 ways to improve your energy levels and the body processes governing it. These 5 ways are very easy to get, affordable or free, yet non obvious and often ignored in our daily health and beauty routines

Boost your energy and charge yourself with.. 

  1. Omega: A daily Omega supplement is great for your inner and outer beauty. This oil has a crucial role in your health. It supports your cardiovascular health, immune system, sleep, brain, eyes, bones and joints, liver, skin and hair repair. Omega fights depression and anxiety, two major killers of your energy, motivation and focus. Make sure you are taking the real thing as fake supplements can be extremely damaging for you. I recommend Optimum Omega by Pharmanex with Omega 3, vitamin E and garlic (one of the most potent natural antioxidants) extracted from natural sources and not chemical ones (a big difference!). It is an exceptional product for your body. You can get the original product in this link:

2. Warm Water: Every day start and end with a cup of it. Warm water speeds up digestion and prevents constipation aiding the nutrients absorption and as a result improving your energy levels. It also improves your blood circulation as it enlarges your vessels and heats your body up accelerating your metabolism and it gets any mucus moving helping your immune system get rid of bacteria and viruses

3. Magnesium: It plays a major role in the detoxification process by helping prevent chemicals, heavy metals and other toxins from damaging your body. Known as the body’s ‘master antioxidant’ it is the most powerful of any antioxidant in your body, many body healing processes need magnesium for its synthesis. It regulates your calcium, has a  tranquilizing effect on nerves and muscles, without magnesium, your muscles are not able to relax properly and cramps may occur. It also creates energy by activating the ATP, which is the fundamental unit of energy within the body’s cells. Without proper levels of magnesium, the nutrients that you take in through food and supplements would not be metabolized into energy

4. Sun: moderate sun exposure may have  benefits for your health, including stronger bones, better sleep, improved mood, energy levels and a healthier immune system. Its rays are health and help your body make Vitamin D important for your bones and blood cells. It also helps you take in and use certain minerals, like calcium and phosphorus. Wake up, go out, feel the sun, try to gaze it, let its rays touch your skin, feel the warmth, the sensations arising, the blessings coming to you

5. Pray: Even a couple of words and seconds everyday will help you to connect with the Source. Pray for everything. Pray everywhere. When we say words of pray we are accessing the devotion accumulated in those words by centuries and centuries by generations and generations. It is an millennial tradition that can have a tremendous healing power in our body, our energy levels and in our lives

Your energy is one of your most precious resources. Take care of it!

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