Want to inspire at work? stop pushing and do this!

In the last 15 years, I have working in different kinds of corporations from pharma to FMCG, research institutes, universities, european corporations, american ones, small, large and very large. In my experience it is normal business to use or listen at expressions taken from the sports, psychology, fashion, engineering, chinese medicine and even french cuisine such as: evangelist, holistic approach, a low hanging fruit, pipeline, bandwidth, no free lunch etc. etc.. We also have terrorists, ambassadors, green field projects, targets, radars and SWAT teams just as in the movies

But the expressions that catch my attention the most are the ones involving peoples personal and physical well being such as: keep pushing! (sounds exhausting), put pressure (like a press?) strive for. Other more passionate organisations and leaders speak in terms of dying, using teeth and nails, blood and sweat

We all understand those are just expressions to communicate a higher purpose, to communicate resilience, passion, execution, we get it!. But are they really inspiring words to say? Can we get all the respect and love from our people by expressing in such ways? wouldn’t it be more effective and inspiring to use another kind of vocabulary where the blood and the dying stay out of the equation? or is it that as leaders we don’t find better ways to communicate? Are we afraid of loving and inspiring people?

If we want to be better leaders, should’ nt we first be better persons capable of showing love and compassion? Persons capable of inspiring other persons by showing more affection, leaders capable of inspiring other leaders via more loving ways and without the pushing

How about if we envision a life where there is no need for suffering, striving, pushing, sweating? Would it be better for us as persons and leaders and also for employees, companies and results? How about a more positive and optimistic thesaurus that instead of pushing, inspires our people

What do you think?


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