Super Detox at home. Speed up your metabolism

super detox at home

A super detox at home is a great way to reset your body and begin a whole new chapter in your health, clean your body, control your weight and avoid disease. A healthy body is a sine qua non to a good life. You cannot fully live if you have to devote your energy to sickness and disease. The accumulation of toxins usually leads to chronic pain, a fatty liver, liquid retention and disease. That is why a super detox technique is an excellent choice for your body, your metabolism and your health.

I learnt about this super detox therapy with Dr. Felix Casas from New York. He is a Neurologist, Ayurveda Expert and Homeopath. Dr. Casas studied alternative medicine in India, China and Europe where he saw the results of deep detox in cancer patients. He then decided to open his own detox center where he treats terminal patients with success. I studied with him this super detox tech and its protocol at his clinic where I spent some days detoxing myself and learning all about this wonderful therapy and other complementary therapies.

The most important technique to super detox your body is the enema. This therapy  removes toxins and free radicals from your body; eliminates unwanted bacteria, parasites, odors, gas, excess fatty acids; restores the natural flora, support the skin, digestion, colon; boost immunity, treats autoimmune diseases, nourishes your liver improving your metabolism among others.

Super detox at home with enemas

Enemas do not belong to modern medicine. Enemas are an ancient practice first used in Ancient Egypt to achieve good health and heal different diseases. The greeks, hindis and chinese also wrote about the importance of this cleansing detox ritual. More recently this super detox technique has gained popularity due to some Hollywood stars promoting its benefits such as: Janeth Jackson and Gwineth Paltrow.

This super detox technique was found by Dr. Max Gerson, a german doctor who challenged orthodox medicine. He demonstrated, after several clinical trials that Enemas stimulate the liver to produce healthy enzymes for more oxygen uptake. Dr. Gerson found to enhance detoxification of the liver was through the use of enemas. Remembering that one of the functions of bile is the emulsification of fats and oils, we can stimulate bile flow. 

The goal of this therapy is to restore the body to health by repairing the liver and returning the metabolism to its normal state. According to Dr. Gerson, this can be done by removing toxins from the body and building up the immune system supported with diet and supplements. The enemas  widen the bile ducts of the liver so toxins can be released. According to Dr. Gerson, the liver is further overworked as the treatment regimen breaks down disease cells and eliminates toxins. Furthermore, the theobromine, theophylline, and the caffeine in coffee dilate blood vessels and bile ducts, relax smooth muscles, and increase the bile flow. Other benefits of enemas are:

1) increased cell energy production
2) enhanced tissue health
3) improved blood circulation
4) better immunity and tissue repair and
5) cellular regeneration

My experience 

The day I left the detox center, after following the super detox plan, I had lost 5 pounds of toxins and water retention in my body, I had a flat stomach, improved digestion, glowing skin and I was feeling great!. At my job everyone asked me what did I do that weekend.

Nowadays I continue with my super detox at home on a regular basis and keep enjoying its benefits. It is now a habit and I could not imagine my life without regularly detoxing my body. Whenever I feel my liver has had enough load, I just detox myself. Priceless!

I am over 40 years and I do not have any deep wrinkles as I regularly clean my body out of toxins, I am 118 pounds (slim) with 14% fat as my liver is a machine at destroying the fats I eat :). As a result of a strong and detoxed liver my metabolism has become fast. I do not diet, eat what I want and in general I have a high quality life and enjoy good health. I also complement the super detox with other support techniques as prana breathing, walking meditations and homeopathic detox support.

Learn to do it yourself

If you want to loose weight, improve your skin and feel great there is nothing better than a super detox at home for your liver. Even better if you can learn to it y yourself. As you know your liver is in charge of processing fats, toxins and in general everything that enters your body including: skin and hair products, food, liquids, polluted air. Your liver is usually overloaded with toxins and great results are achieved when you help with the load.

Another learning at Dr. Casas’ clinic was that we should not be patients, we should be actives when it comes to our health. We have to learn to heal our bodies and know how to take care of ourselves and not wait for others to do so. It is your health, your body, your responsibility

Just 3 days to reset your metabolism

In just 3 days you can super detox at home and loose up to 5 pounds of liquids, gas and toxins stuck in your body, support your liver function, flatten your tummy, feel lighter and enjoy other benefits. Your cellulite will also improve of you suffer from it. Most importantly you will learn how to do it yourself.

If you want to super detox at home, drop us a message to organize the plan according to your needs. The plan includes :

  1. Personal guidance via calls on enemas preparation, application and post hydration during 3 days. You must be able to follow exact instructions as this is a complex therapy. You cannot work during these 3 days
  2. Super detox material with specific instructions by Dr. Casas with some variations of this super detox and a list of supplements required to support the detoxification and weight control
  3. A meal plan for 7 days you have to follow. The regimen includes juices, soups, no meat, no alcohol, no salt, no aluminium to give your system a rest and get optimum results
  4. A detox protocol consisting of 3 homeopathic products you will need to buy and drink with water in the next following 6 weeks, twice per year These products are manufactured by German Lab Heel and include a lymphatic, kidney and liver detox
  5. Two Emotional health support resources: Healing Affirmations, Walking meditations
  6. Unlimited support via email during the next 30 days 

Final comments

This super detox is complex. During these 3 days you need time and focus to follow very specific instructions, to rest and hydrate yourself properly and use other supporting techniques like conscious breathing and walking meditations and to follow a diet. The plan is offered to persons without any serious medical conditions.

If you suffer from a live changing disease like cancer, it is best to visit the Dr. Casas’ clinic (Gerson certified) or the Gerson Institute in California. Both treat serious illnesses. Whenever you are ready to improve your body, support your live function and speed up your metabolism let us know.

Claudia N

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