Yoda and his wisdom: There is no try

yoda and his wisdom

Yoda and his wisdom have become part of our culture and a source of inspiration for many, I am sure you have watched or at least heard about him. Yoda, the famous of Star Wars saga character, the Grand Master of the Jedi Order, the oldest and most powerful of the Jedi Masters in the Universe is also the wisest. He is capable of expressing the most important universal truths in an object-subject-verb quotes.

I want to  refer to one of his most important teachings in particular. A teaching that has served me so much both personally and professionally. Yoda’s teaching helped me to realize my fear and doubts. Fear of not achieving my dreams, fear of success, fear of giving my best and not make things happen, fear of living an extraordinary life. I was always doubting myself. I was always trying.

Yoda and his wisdom

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In the video Yoda says that you must unlearn what you have learnt. Luke answers: «.. I’ll give it a try»». Then Yoda gives us his most famous quote whilst trying to empower Luke: “No, try not!, Do or not Do. There is no try”. Yoda is teaching Luke to become serious on his intentions by having a stronger mind and truly committing to his purpose. He is asking Luke to become the man and warrior he is meant to be and to have no doubt, no fear and just be who is meant to be. Not to try but to Do.

This quote carries so much wisdom as indeed you should never try. Do it or not do it. Honestly there is no try. It you say you will do something then do it, go for it with all you have and make it happen. Make it happen or forget about it but not just try with mediocre attempts and then accept being ok when things don’t work out for you. This is what Yoda in all his wisdom says to Luke.

The word Try

The word try, literally it means to make an attempt. An attempt!. The question is: Is that all you got? Is that all you can give? I am sure it is not. No No. If you want that great body don’t make any attempt just go and get yourself one. You want to improve your money, dont attempt, just learn to plan, learn to save, learn to invest and make yourself rich and prosperous and abundant and awesome. 

When you use the word try, it always implies an excuse, it carries an exit door, a just in case I fail. There is fear and doubt attached to it. You say you will try just in case you fail because Failure is an outcome you my dear tolerate. Otherwise you wouldn’t use try, would you?. Please be aware that fear & doubt are not your friends and certainly wont help you in anything. To achieve your dreamed life you need confidence and commitment with yourself no doubt and fear. Think about the life you want to create and then dont try.

Ditch the «try»

After integrating Yoda’s words I decided to delete the word try from my vocabulary. Not trying to delete it but delete it for good. I usually tell people around me to erase the infamous verb from their daily vocabulary and also and more importantly from their brains. Make sure to avoid at all cost the  victim sentences and language such as: “I am going to try”, “I tried but…” or “I would like to try”.

Do not let fear and doubt get in the middle of you and your dreamed life. Take fear and doubt out of your mouth, out of your brain, out of your intentions, out of your possible outcomes and they will disappear from your reality.

Stop trying and start creating

As Yoda teaches Luke, you need a more mature mind and commitment with yourself to create your best life. This line of wisdom has become a modern slogan reminding people to commit to something completely or do not commit at all. 

Commit with your life. Stop trying. Start creating the life you want. I strongly recommend you this life guide with clear steps to plan the life you want and then get it with a systematic approach you can easily implement and follow. When it comes to the life you want. There is no try!